General Features in Jeffrey AI
Once you log into Jeffrey AI, you will find there are some features that are shared across pages so that you can use them immediately without having to second guess how to use them. In this section, we will be covering these features.
Main Menu Taskbar
You can access any of the pages of Jeffrey AI at any time from the Main Menu, which is situated on a taskbar on the page.
Each icon on the taskbar represents a different page of Jeffrey AI. They always appear in the following order:
- Dashboard
- Contacts
- Groups
- Opportunities
- Activities
- Engagements
- Organisations
- Products
- AI
- Tutorials
- Settings
- Notifications
- Profile
If you’re in Fullscreen mode, the taskbar will appear along the left-hand side of the screen with each page listed vertically.
If you have Jeffrey AI open in a window, the taskbar will appear across the top of the screen horizontally, the pages will follow the same order as in Fullscreen mode from left to right.
The page you are currently on will maintain a highlighted icon until you select another page. Hovering over any of the icons will also highlight the icon and the page name will appear.
Navigating Pages and Tables
In the top left-hand corner of every page, the pathway to the page you’re currently on will be shown next to the current page’s title.
In this example, the user has accessed the organisation details for “Test New Company” through the organisation’s page.
If you need to revisit a page within the path, you can quickly access it by selecting it from the pathway
On the contacts and organisation pages, you will come across these icons at the top right-hand side of the table.
These buttons help you to look through and customise your table in the table view. Clicking on the gear icon will allow you to add and remove columns from view, you will also be able to reorder columns by clicking and holding on the 3 horizontal lines, and dragging the column to the order you wish.
The arrow buttons allow you to move left or right along the table to see further columns if they do not all fit onto the screen. If you can move left or right, the respective arrows will be blue, otherwise, they will appear grey.
Across the bottom of the table, you will find features that will help you navigate pages. Each of the following features is displayed from the bottom left to right corners.
In the bottom left corner, you will be able to see which page you are on and the total number of pages for the table. In the middle, you will be able to select which page to jump to, and in the bottom right corner, you’ll be able to adjust how many lines are shown per page.
Adjusting the number of lines per page will update the total number of pages and create a scroll bar if necessary.
Editing line details
On several tables, including contacts and organisations, you will come across a button with 3 dots in a vertical line next to each line of data. This is the editing button.
The editing button is a fast way to change the details in that line. When you click on the editing button a side-column will appear on the right-hand side of the screen.
In this column, you will be able to edit any of the fields for that line. The fields will differ depending on which page you are on.
Once you have finished editing the data, scroll down to the bottom of the column and click “save changes” to save your edits. If you wish to undo your changes, select “Cancel”. You can also select the “Custom fields” button to add further information to the line.
When you are finished editing, the side column will close and you will revert back to your previous screen.
Filters, Ordering & the Search Bar
In many of the pages, you will have access to filters and a search bar to help you work more efficiently. On each page, these functions operate in the same way respective to the page they’re on. The filter and search bar are located across the top of the table on their respective pages.
With filters, you can select a field to filter by, and then choose the sub-category to filter for your table. Selecting a sub-category or sub-categories will filter out any lines which do not match the criteria from your table.
If there are multiple categories to choose from, you can also search for a specific sub-category in the mini search bar.
You can select multiple categories and sub-categories at one time to refine your search the way you want. Any active filter categories will display with black lettering and non-active categories will appear with grey lettering. Active subcategories will be noted by a blue tick next to them.
You can reset both category and subcategory filters at once by selecting their respective reset buttons.
You can also use the search bar to find the lines of data you’re looking for. Typing into the search bar will automatically begin filtering lines as you start typing.
You can also sort by columns alphabetically or numerically, depending on the field. To do so, click the icon next to the column title represented by 2 arrows facing up and down. The example below shows sorting contacts by ID, first by lowest to highest and then highest to lowest.
You can also change the size of columns by hovering over the gap between two fields. An icon with two horizontal arrows will appear. To change the size of the desired field you will need to the arrow icon within the gap between the field and the field to its right.
When the arrow icon appears, left-click, hold and drag until the column has adjusted to what you like. Release to adjust the column.
Pipeline View
On the contacts and deals pages, you will be able to view your data in a pipeline view rather than a table. This view is another way to help you visualise and filter contacts, deals or engagements and in some cases make it clearer to see things in comparison to a table.
If you can view the page as a pipeline, you will see the following two icons at the top right corner of your table:
The button with vertical lines is for the Pipeline view, and the 3 horizontal lines are for the table view. The button currently in use will be highlighted in a grey box. You can switch between the two at any time.
When the Pipeline view is active, some features such as filters will turn off. For pipeline view features exclusive to the contacts and deals pages, please visit their sections of the user guide.
Adding Tasks and Activities to a Contact or Organisation
You can add tasks and activities to a contact or organisation by selecting the buttons underneath their profile picture at the top left of the details page. Selecting any of the options will open a box on the bottom right-hand side of the screen to enter details.
Adding any of these options will update the activities table once they have been saved.
Selecting “Note” allow you to write a note about the contact, and attach any images, links or files associated to the contact or organisation.
Selecting “Email” will allow you to type out and send an email directly to a contact from the details page. You will also be able to attach files, links and images to the email. You can also choose to defer the email to another time in the top right corner.
Selecting Call will phone the contact. You will be able to choose which number to call if the contact or organisation has multiple options. A small blue box will appear detailing the contact’s name, elated call time, and options to hold, mute, and end the call.
Selecting Task will allow you to create a task for the contact. You will be able to detail the task, set a due date and status, assign it to a user and set up a reminder as you wish.
Finally, selecting “Meeting” will allow you to book a meeting with contact(s). You will be able to detail the meeting and its purpose, invite attendees, and set a date, time and duration for the meeting.