3 Time-Saving Sales Hacks to Reduce Admin and Increase Sales

Blog: 3 Time-Saving Sales Hacks to Reduce Admin and Increase Sales

Bringing new business into a small or growing company brings with it a number of unique time pressures. You are expected to do the job of a bigger business development team with a fraction of the budget and an added weight of expectation. 

As you work hard to close off active deals, you need to work just as hard to maintain a healthy looking pipeline and with only 8 hours available in the work day, the reality is often many evenings spent in front of the laptop – or lost deals that you simply didn’t have time to maintain.

Time is your most precious commodity in small business sales – so why waste more of it by rambling on with the introduction?

You want to know how to save time and focus your resources in the right areas. So let’s show you how.


      1. Create Dashboards That Show All Your Sales Data in One Place

    One of the most dreaded sales admin tasks is reporting. Traditionally this means pulling together various Excel spreadsheets and trying to make something insightful out of them, or even polishing them into something pretty in Powerpoint to show to management if you’re running a sales team.

    Not only is it a time drag, it doesn’t really offer you a live view as to your sales and pipeline performance throughout the month.

    Jeffrey AI allows you to create a dashboard that gives you a real time view of your sales KPIs, opportunities and activities in a single dashboard. If you need to share the report, just add them to your dashboard. It automates your reporting to save you time and allows you to keep a real-time view of performance, allowing you to make better decisions.


        1. Automate Your Follow-up Emails

      Chances are, you’ll have a good idea about what most of your follow-up emails will need to be about. Price? Asking for case studies? Booking a meeting? Following-up after a call?

      The pain is when you have to make time to send the same email back each time and as crucial as it is, it’s taking time away from closing deals, or even just having an evening in front of Love Island (go on, you know you love it…)

      Automating your follow-up emails can be a good way of ridding yourself of this task while maintaining the quality of your reply. Chances are you’ve already got some templates that you use (if you don’t, you can download some of the most effective follow-up sales email templates here), so load them into the automation tool of your choice and focus on the things that matter.

      JeffreyAI takes this a step further, allowing you to “teach” it what types of emails you will receive and automatically respond to emails for you. It brings a little artificial intelligence into your sales team which will buy you back some valuable time.


          1. Supercharge Your Outreach

        Filling your pipeline can be a never-ending process, especially when you need to focus on the warmer leads that might just need a nudge to convert into sales.

        Firing out a blast of emails can be one way of reaching your prospects, but untargeted, generic sales emails are a quicker way to the spam box than building a sustainable pipeline.

        Intelligently targeted email campaigns that build outbound engagement and convert more deals can be a far more sustainable way of doing this. JeffreyAI has an email Engagements tool that allows you to run targeted email campaigns, with clear metrics in place for you to monitor and optimise performance.

        It’s a way of supercharging your outreach and building a sustainable pipeline – without getting your email domain blacklisted.